Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ruby is home......

OK! I have been wondering how to start this blog and today found my inspiration from a lost dog found. Ruby, the 2 year old Shetland Sheepdog, was hit by a car on Friday and got spooked enough to run. Many a search, many a poster put up, many a wild animal found on the search, the girl came home to her mama, my friend Ayla, late last night. Ruby is home, Ruby is safe, Ruby is loved.........

Well this leads me to another ruby. Ruby is the red variety of the mineral corundum, one of the hardest minerals on Earth, of which the sapphire is also a variety. These gemstones have excellent hardness. On the Mohs scale their score of 9 is second only to that of the diamond. Only red corundum is entitled to be called ruby, all other colours being classified as sapphires.

Red for ruby. Ruby-red. The most important thing about this precious stone is its color. The red of the ruby is incomparable: warm and fiery. Two magical elements are associated with the symbolism of this color: fire and blood, implying warmth and life for mankind.

So my take on Ruby is this, she's a strong rock, a pretty one, she has depth that is unparalleled, she may be akin to other's but she is her own, and that she's tough to break. I've seen that in a dog this week, a friend or two, myself.

This is a tribute, to Ruby, my birthstone, and so much more.........